Asian Eyelid Surgery in the Toronto Area

Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna specialize in Asian eyelid surgery at Ford Plastic Surgery in Toronto for individuals who want a more defined eyelid crease. Many men and women feel that lifting the eyelid to reveal the area above the lash line helps them to look more alert and youthful. Dr. Ford is 1 of only 2 plastic surgeons in Canada with specialized oculoplastic training, and he carefully performs eyelid surgery for Asian patients to achieve their goals and preserve the character of their features.

If you think you may be a good candidate for Asian eyelid surgery, request a consultation online with one of our surgeons, or call our Toronto office at  (416) 925-7337 or our Oshawa office at  (905) 743-9888 to schedule your appointment.

 Before & After Photos

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Case: 1 of 2

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

What Is Asian Eyelid Surgery?

The goal of Asian eyelid surgery is to adjust the upper eyelid to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • Create a defined upper eyelid crease (double eyelid)
  • Have eyes that appear larger and more open
  • Make eyeshadow and mascara application easier

Asian patients of all ages trust Dr. Ford and Dr. Hanna to enhance their eyes with eyelid surgery.

Your Asian Eyelid Surgery Consultation

Your surgeon will do an exam during your consultation, so he can create an individualized surgical plan to achieve your goals. Safety is a top priority, so your surgeon will verify that you’ve recently had a comprehensive eye exam. He will also ask you if you have any pre-existing eye conditions such as dry eye or glaucoma, and whether you’ve had eye surgery in the past, including LASIK. He will also discuss any potential risks involved with the procedure.

Derek Ford, MD FRCSC

A Talented Duo

With their expertise in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna create attractive, natural-looking results using advanced techniques. Both are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada who provide compassionate patient care.

Learn more about our surgeons

Meet Dr. Derek Ford Meet Dr. Steven Hanna

How Is Asian Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Your surgeon offers the following options for Asian eyelid surgery:

  • Incisional double eyelid surgery uses an incision and sutures to create an eyelid fold. It has the most dramatic and long-lasting results, but requires a slightly longer recovery time.
  • Suture method double eyelid surgery only requires small incisions and intricate suturing to create a more defined fold.

Asian eyelid surgery requires in-depth knowledge of the entire ocular region, which Dr. Ford acquired during his oculoplastic surgery training. Your surgeon performs the surgery with the patient under local anesthesia, but may opt for general anesthesia if you are combining your eyelid surgery with another procedure. The surgery takes approximately 1 hour to perform, and you will be able to return home the same day after a brief observation period.

Some patients also have fatty deposits that cause upper eyelid heaviness, and your surgeon removes these during surgery. Asian eyelid surgery can be combined with a brow lift for patients with concerns about a drooping brow or wrinkled forehead.


See What’s Possible

Our practice offers Crisalix, a way for patients to preview their results in 3-D. This adds a tangible, visual element to your planning process, giving you and Dr. Ford a common, beautiful goal.

Learn More

How Much Does Asian Eyelid Surgery Cost?

The cost for eyelid surgery procedures by Toronto oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Ford and Dr. Hanna are as follows:

  • Asian upper eyelid surgery: $7,250

*Price excludes taxes

Asian Eyelid Surgery Recovery Time

For the first 72 hours after your Asian eyelid procedure, it is best to keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. You should also apply cool compresses to your eyes. Do not be alarmed if your eyelids are swollen or red; these side effects are common and will soon subside.

Your surgeon suggests that you use antibiotic ointment on the incisions and in the eye. He typically removes skin closure sutures after about 7 days. Make sure to get plenty of rest, and do not overexert yourself during the first couple of days. Don’t plan on any vigorous activities for the first 2 weeks.

You may begin wearing makeup 10 days after your procedure. Wearing makeup too soon can cause irritation or other complications.

Most of the bruising and swelling will fade within 3 weeks. Do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns during your recovery.

Is Asian Eyelid Surgery Safe?

Complications during eyelid surgery are very rare, but our surgeons want to ensure that each of our patients is fully educated about the procedure. We welcome any and all questions or concerns during the entire process—from preliminary appointments to recovery.

How is Asian Eyelid Surgery different from Traditional Eyelid Surgery?

During Asian eyelid surgery, an additional crease is created above the lashes while extra skin and extra fat are removed.
