Arm & Thigh Lift in the Toronto Area

At Ford Plastic Surgery in Toronto, Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna perform arm and thigh lift surgery for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight, and are left with excess, hanging skin. While these patients have succeeded in losing the unwanted weight and improving their overall health, the excess skin can cause both physical and emotional discomfort. Both arm and thigh lift surgeries tailor the skin for more attractive contours that better reflect the health and fitness these individuals have worked so hard to achieve.

If you’d like to reveal your body’s beautiful contours, request a consultation online, or call our Toronto office at  (416) 925-7337 or our Oshawa office at  (905) 743-9888.

 Before & After Photos

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Case: 1 of 4

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Introduction & Indications

Arm and thigh lift surgery may be performed together or separately, and are often indicated when a patient has undergone a significant weight loss — whether through lifestyle adjustments or bariatric surgery. Occasionally, flabby tissue may be the result of aging and a lifetime of sun exposure. These surgeries remove sagging, bulky skin and restore a firmer, more toned appearance to limbs. The reduction of excess skin can dramatically improve a person’s confidence, as well as physical comfort, mobility and appropriate clothing fit.


During your consultation for arm lift, thigh lift, or both, your surgeon evaluates your potential treatment areas to determine the proper course of action. He notes the amount of underlying fat present, as well as the condition of your skin. If your skin has adequate elasticity, liposuction alone may give you the results you desire. Your surgeon discusses your medical history at length and helps you understand the type of results you can expect from your surgery. You’ll also discuss your projected recuperation and potential risks.

Derek Ford, MD FRCSC

A Talented Trio

With their expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Derek Ford, Dr. Steven Hanna, and Dr. Laura Snell create attractive, natural-looking results using advanced techniques. Each are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada who provide compassionate patient care.

Learn more about our surgeons

Meet Dr. Derek Ford Meet Dr. Steven Hanna Meet Dr. Laura Snell


Both thigh and arm lift surgeries are outpatient procedures, which means you’ll be able to return home the same day. However, you’ll need a trusted friend or family member to accompany you home.

Once you are fully anesthetized, your surgeon begins by making an incision. Arm lift incisions are made on the insides of the arms, while thigh lift surgery requires incisions on the inner thighs. Once he has made the necessary incisions, your surgeon performs liposuction on the affected areas to reduce unwanted fat deposits before excising redundant skin. He tightens the fascia layer of the am or thigh, then redrapes the remaining skin and closes the incisions with sutures.

Recuperating After Surgery

Recuperation following arm or thigh lift surgery is relatively straightforward. However, it’s still important to allow yourself plenty of time to rest and recuperate at home. Although discomfort and soreness are expected, pain is manageable with prescribed medications. You’ll need to avoid vigorous exercise and other strenuous activities for about 6 weeks, but most patients are able to return to work and other less demanding activities after about 2 weeks. Over time, incisions fade to relatively inconspicuous scars that are well-hidden within the body’s natural contours.

Both arm and thigh lift surgeries are quite safe and effective, especially when performed by an experienced, qualified surgeon such as Dr. Ford or Dr. Hanna.

Arm & Thigh Lift Considerations & Cost

Both arm and thigh lift surgeries are quite safe and effective, especially when performed by an experienced, qualified surgeon such as Dr. Ford or Dr. Hanna. However, no surgery is completely without risk. During your consultation, your surgeon reviews your medical history and helps you determine whether the surgery is an appropriate solution for you.

For procedure pricing, please visit our Pricing & Financing page.

*Prices exclude taxes

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Common Complements

Thigh lift and arm lift are often performed at the same time for more comprehensive results in the weight loss patient. However, these procedures are often performed in conjunction with other body contouring surgeries such as tummy tucklower body lift, liposuction, and even breast lift, breast augmentation or breast reduction. During your consultation, your surgeon works with you to help you determine the best course of action for you and your body.

Arm & Thigh Lift FAQ

How long do the results of an arm lift and thigh lift last?

These results typically last five to ten years depending on your lifestyle habits.

Will a thigh lift get rid of cellulite?

A thigh lift will remove excess skin and fat and can improve the contour of your thighs but is not a treatment specifically for cellulite.
