Lower Body Lift in the Toronto Area

For Toronto patients who need plastic surgery after weight loss, the results of a lower body lift are tough to beat. Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna’s post weight loss plastic surgery patients are among the most satisfied in his practice thanks to the procedure’s significant results. By removing excess skin left behind after a substantial weight loss, the lower body lift reveals the improved bodies these patients have worked hard to achieve, and the results should last as long as a person maintains a healthy lifestyle.

If you’d like to reveal your body’s beautiful contours, request a consultation online, or call our Toronto office at  (416) 925-7337 or our Oshawa office at  (905) 743-9888.


Patient Results

See the possibilities of Dr. Ford’s work for yourself when you visit our gallery of real patient before-and-after photos.

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Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna’s post weight loss plastic surgery patients are among the most satisfied in his practice thanks to the procedure’s significant results.

Introduction & Indications

People who lose a significant amount of weight, whether through bariatric surgery or lifestyle adjustments, can be left with an excess of sagging skin even when the fat is gone. This is because overstretched skin doesn’t always “bounce back,” especially in people who are older or who were significantly overweight. Unlike fat, skin cannot be reduced with diet and exercise, and excess skin left behind after weight loss can conceal the physical results of weight loss. This is especially frustrating to people who have achieved a goal weight but still may not look the way they want.

Lower body lift surgery reduces excess skin of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks for a well-toned, tighter appearance as well as improved physical comfort and mobility. By maintaining a steady weight after surgery, the results are likely to be permanent. For most weight loss patients, body lift is the final step in a long process.


During your consultation for lower body lift, your surgeon evaluates the condition of your skin and discusses your medical history. You’ll also review your weight loss process in order to offer your surgeon a better sense of your current lifestyle. Ideal candidates for lower body lift surgery are those who:

  • Are healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia and care for themselves after surgery
  • Are willing and able to maintain a healthy weight
  • Have moderate to severe skin sagginess in the thighs, buttocks, or abdomen

During a lower body lift, your surgeon can also remove some pockets of residual fat. However, the procedure is indicated for patients who have already lost a significant amount of weight, and fat reduction should not be your primary goal.

Derek Ford, MD FRCSC

A Talented Trio

With their expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Derek Ford, Dr. Steven Hanna, and Dr. Laura Snell create attractive, natural-looking results using advanced techniques. Each are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada who provide compassionate patient care.

Learn more about our surgeons

Meet Dr. Derek Ford Meet Dr. Steven Hanna Meet Dr. Laura Snell


Lower body lift surgery is performed while you are under general anesthesia. Your surgeon begins by making a horizontal incision around your lower abdomen and extending around your waist. Although the incision is extensive, it’s made quite low on the body and is not typically noticeable in most clothes. Once he has made the incision, your surgeon removes excess skin from the waist (“love handles”), upper buttocks, and outer thighs. He then performs a modified tummy tuck to reduce the amount of unwanted skin on the abdomen and to tighten the underlying muscles. He also lifts and tightens the soft tissue in the lateral (side) and posterior (rear) waist. In some cases, a lower body lift can result in the removal of 10 pounds or more of excess skin and fat.

Recuperating After Surgery

Because of its scope, lower body lift surgery requires an overnight stay in hospital. Most patients are able to return home the next day, accompanied by a trusted friend or family member. You’ll need to take it easy during the first week of your recuperation, although your surgeon encourages patients to regularly move about their homes to prevent the formation of blood clots. Pain and discomfort are to be expected, but are manageable with prescribed medication. In most cases, patients have surgical drains in place to reduce fluid accumulation. The surgeon often removes these drains at your 1-week follow-up appointment. You can expect to return to work and other social situations after approximately 3 weeks, depending on the scope of your individual surgery. As you plan your lower body lift, your surgeon helps you prepare for your projected recuperation.

Lower Body Lift Considerations & Pricing

Lower body lift is a major operation that yields significant results. Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon with extensive knowledge in post weight loss surgery, such as Dr. Ford and Dr. Hanna, can vastly improve your experience, ensuring a comfortable recuperation and attractive, natural-looking results. During your consultation, your surgeon reviews your health history with you and helps you understand your individual risk assessment.

Lower Body Lift surgery is $27,400.

*Price excludes taxes

Common Complements

Lower body lift is often performed as a complement to arm liftmedial thigh lift, liposuction or even breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction. These procedures are often performed to reduce excess skin and sagginess after weight loss, and undergoing a combination of these procedures can offer you more comprehensive results. If you opt for a complementary procedure, your surgeon may recommend staging your surgeries for safety.

How long does it take to recover from a lower body lift?

It is important that you avoid vigorous activity for two to three weeks after surgery. Your normal activities can be resumed once you are cleared by your doctor after six weeks.
